Jake Crosby

(602) 909-3716

Get to Know Me


I am a junior studying Financial Planning at the W.P. Carey School of Business. I currently serve as President of the Zeta Upsilon chapter of Sigma Nu fraternity here at Arizona State University. I grew up just up the road in Scottsdale and graduated from Notre Dame Prep in the spring of 2022. I always knew I wanted to go to Arizona State since I was a little kid. My parents both graduated from Arizona State and so did my older sister. Being close to family took great priority for me as well as building connections and a strong network in the area I want to live in when I graduate.

I was never confident that I would end up in Greek life, however. I had heard the common stereotypes about fraternities and thought I had no place in it. After being greatly persuaded by my mother, who was a Zeta Upsilon sweetheart in 1989, and my uncle, who was a brother of Zeta Upsilon from 1989-1993, I went out to meet the brothers of Sigma Nu on the first night of rush. Through getting the opportunity to speak to many of the members at that first night, I learned about the emphasis Sigma Nu placed on leadership, academics, on-campus involvement, and strong values. After spending a good deal of time at the Sigma Nu events throughout the week, I fortunately received a bid to pledge Sigma Nu. I was honored to receive the opportunity to join such an accomplished and esteemed group of men.

Through a formative and value-based candidate program, I found myself excited and passionate about Sigma Nu shortly after my initiation. A few weeks in, I was appointed as Alumni Relations chairman and later elected as Recorder in the Spring semester. These experiences led to me running for president this past Spring semester, which has already been the greatest experience of my life after just a few short weeks. I am a true believer in the power of Sigma Nu - Zeta Upsilon. I would not be the man I am today without the leadership and values of love, truth, and honor shared by the men around me. I am grateful and honored to be a part of such a great organization.

The best piece of advice I have to offer to anyone even slightly thinking about coming out to recruitment - just come check it out! Put your foot through the doors of all houses and experience the Greek environment. There is plenty to offer. I can definitely assure you, however, you will not regret rushing Sigma Nu.